
3 Conversations

A phone book

Stargate Personell:

Operating Commandersmiley - wizard

Generalsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Lt. Generalsmiley - starsmiley - star

Major Generalsmiley - planetsmiley - star

Brigadier Generalsmiley - planet

Colonelsmiley - martiansmile

Majorsmiley - football

Captainsmiley - earth

Lieutenantsmiley - rainbow

Sergeantsmiley - mars

Corporalsmiley - moon

Privatesmiley - crescentmoon

Civiliansmiley - eureka

Race Ranks

Asgardsmiley - aliensmile

Jaffasmiley - ufo

Tokrasmiley - rocket

Noxsmiley - witch

Unassmiley - monster

Tollansmiley - zen

Special Commendations

Special Forcessmiley - thief

Recruitersmiley - mod

Rangersmiley - run

Diplomatsmiley - jester

Interrogatorsmiley - pirate

Psychologistsmiley - steam

Pilotsmiley - flyhi

Doctorsmiley - doctor

Current Personell

smiley - elfSG-1:

smiley - dragonSG-2:

smiley - schooloffishSG-3:

smiley - lighthouseSG-4:

smiley - nurseSG-5:

smiley - fullmoonSG-6:

smiley - scientistSG-7:

smiley - sporkSG-8:

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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