SG-8 Barracks

4 Conversations

The Barracks

As you enter you notice that the room is fairly large. In the far right corner you notice a large machine humming away.

Silicon Valley
The middle of the room is occupied by a large table full of plans and other unorganized piles of things. On the back wall are some large mechinised suits. And to the far left of the room is the living area fully equiped with all the necessitys such as: fridge, couch, large T.V., kitchen, and rooms. There is also a video game of "Deathglider". The next thing you notice is the guy lounging on the couch looking at you.
Diagram showing what a soliton is
Hello my name is Chronos and I am in charge of SG-8. I'm your man if you need something (or lots of somethings) built, You just name it. I am also the current pilot of the Death glider so if you would like something bombed give me a call. Or if you just want to chat or raid the fridge come on over.

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Captain Chronos
The door out

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