The h2g2 Post 21.10.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 21st October 2024

 This week's title is 'Tis Now the Witching Hour. Clockwise from upper left: A fledgling gull, the title, a weathered brown barn with a single white door and windows, a stained-glass window reflected in a shiny black piano, a striped grey cat on a blanket, a jackolantern with pointed teeth, a crow on a Do Not Enter sign, a decorative witch holding a mop and splatted against a house window, and a Halloween lawn decoration consisting of a tombstone that says RIP and a jolly-looking skeleton sticking out of the ground, next to well-kept shrubbery.

The frost is definitely on the pumpkin, at least outside the Post Office. This week, we celebrate October with more spooky stories, suitable photos, and bizarre signs from all over. Those people who live next to the church always decorate lavishly at this time of the year. Wait until you see what they did this time. I love 'em.

In other news: the last of this-year's novellas crosses the finish line this week! According to Caiman Raptor Elk, its author: 'The rather abrupt ending is caused by an on-rushing case of November, a pretty busy schedule and because the power supply of my computer decided to terminally fry itself and I'm still waiting for a replacement part.' You're going to enjoy this, so don't miss it.

Speaking of this year's stories: Two have already made it onto the book market. See this page for links. Proceeds from sales go toward the upkeep of your favourite website. Reminder: holidays are coming. Do you know anyone who reads?

We are grateful to all our photographers. This week's special mention goes to Kitkat, who sent us amazing images of the aurora borealis from the farm. There are some truly astonishing photos in this issue, involving everything from deer prints to numinous fried eggs, and we treasure them all. Do you have any cool photos lurking in your phone? Dump the cache in the direction of the h2g2 Post, please.

Read our fiction. Besides Caiman's final chapter (for now), there's a chilling story by FWR. There's also an AI-based scifi yarn by me. It was inspired by an email from my audiologist, and put together based largely on helpful suggestions from the Core Team. Group fiction is a thing, you people. Please stop by and read it. It will take you two or three minutes.

Please leave nice comments and share your discoveries with a few thousand of your closest internet friends. Have a wonderful week, and don't forget to pick up some candy for next week.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for Life in Potentia, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Trio of Tales, Paulh's new book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
Less than one third of primary-age children in the UK can identify a courgette.

QI on Twitter
To be fair, all courgettes look the same to me. I'm not sure I could identify one either, if push came to shove.

Ben Edge

An old gravestone and an old tree.

October 2024 Create Challenge:
The Goblins Will Get You

Video Extra:
Moo, I Say
Click here in Ripley

Obligatory Cat: Sagrys

Sagrys on a blanket by Willem.


(AND GHOST, AND. . . )

Even the Ghosts Are Scared

Ghosts frightened by eyeballs on stalks, by DG.


The Curious Effect
of Man-in-the-Moon Eggs

Moon with face in a star-spangled frying pan, by Galaxy Babe.

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