The History of the MotMV: A look back at insanity

4 Conversations

Official MotMV Pages

||[ The MotMV HQ
]|[ The Old MotMV HQ
]|[ The MotMV Mansion
]|[ The MotMV Pirate Ship
]|[ The History of the MotMV
]|[ Allies of the MotMV
]|[ The MotMV Galactic Map
]|[ The MotMV Medals of Honour
]|[ The MotMV Voyager's Theme Song

The MotMV is one of the strangest societies on this site. The MotMV has grown, not because of a large membership, but because of a dedicated one. Our ultimate goal is not to defeat our enemies in battle, but to confuse them into submission. Because of this confusion about our past, it has been decided to try and sort it out a little; hence this page.

So get ready! You’re about to go on the strangest journey of your life! Please adjust your brain, as you are about to enter . . .


And so it begins

On the 13th of November 2003, a page was created. It was a page so full of tomato smilies that it hurt the eyes of people who don’t like the look of tomato smilies. Created by SpAcEcAdEt_1st_ClAsS, and edited by Haikeeba, the page described an army whose ultimate goal it was to capture the Multi-Verse. Whether they were good or evil was yet to be decided. Within the week they had grown to a size of nine members, and set about to conquer the Multi-Verse.

Let there be . . . tomato warfare!

The first conquest of the MotMV was The Saving The Galaxy Effort. They were a peaceful ship whose only goal was to save the galaxy from evil. But the MotMV launched a lightning campaign and managed to capture the ship in two days2. But the MotMV was greedy, and started to look elsewhere for new lands to capture. The next time they wouldn’t be so lucky.

The First TA war

Buoyed by their recent victory over The Saving The Galaxy Effort, the MotMVs leader went to the Terranic Army and requested an alliance. The TAs new leader, Spook, had other plans. He declared war on the MotMV. The MotMV was scattered by the TA in the TAs War Strategy Room, but the MotMV regrouped back at their base and began to fight back against the TA. In the coming days the MotMV fought valiantly, and even began to make friends in the TA. The war became a stalemate, and it seemed as though the MotMV and TA would sign a truce. But then Creachy arrived and, acting on false information, he began a lightning attack on the MotMV. The MotMV had no choice but to cede victory over to the TA, and the MotMV was forced to return home in defeat. This led to a lot of bad feelings in the MotMV towards the TA.

And so we made a Tearoom

That title is a bit misleading as we actually made the MotMV Tearoom during the first TA war. It was during the heat of battle, we were having tea in the TAs War Strategy Room, when GodBen got the idea to create a tearoom in the MotMV. The room served all people, even enemies, and quickly became a success. However, there then arose some “unpleasantness” when certain people who shall remain nameless3 became angry at GodBens refusal to call the room the “Entertainment room”. This led this person4 to open her own Entertainment room. The following weeks became a semi-civil war between the two rooms. The rivalry was ended when the base was moved and both rooms were closed down.

The STUMPED Invasion

Sometime during the Tearoom-Entertainment room war, came an attack by “Sinister Thinkers Unleashing Multifarious Pernicious Evil Deeds” or, S.T.U.M.P.E.D.. The following war was quite a strange and yet dull one. STUMPED were sticking by continuity, while the MotMV blatantly broke it. In the end STUMPED got so annoyed by the MotMVs refusal to use continuity, that they gave up and left. But now the MotMV realised that they had a new, powerful, weapon. Their insanity was to become the front-line weapon in their future wars.

Close Encounters, of the Evil Kind

A week after the STUMPED invasion left, a new attack was launched upon the MotMV. The Evil Army of H2G2 began an attack on the MotMV. The MotMVs non-use of continuity did not break the evil armies spirit, and the war dragged on for many weeks, and hundreds of posts. In the end, the MotMV managed to confuse the Evil Army just enough with their on-the-spot quizzes to force the Evil Army back from whence they came.

The Big Goodbye

After the Evil Army war, a new problem arose. Haikeeba, the pages editor, had disappeared since December 2003. New members began to complain that they weren’t being added to the list. The MotMV was forced to leave their old HQ and move to their new HQ, with GodBen as the new editor. As a result, the old Tearoom and Entertainment room were lost, and a New MotMV Tearoom was created.

Revenge is a dish best served on the side with a dash of nutmeg

Two days after the move, the MotMV got word that the TA was preparing to attack them. Fearing another war, the MotMV made an alliance with their one-time enemies, the Evil Army. But the TA is not as strong as it once was. The MotMV was now certain that the TA will fall to their might. After receiving the go ahead from the TAs one-time leader, Verc, the MotMV attacked the TA on the 4th of March 2004. For once the MotMV was right and, using civil unrest in the TA for their own gain, they prevailed over the TA.

Sleepless in SeaBattle

After the TA war, the MotMV felt like going back to capturing abandoned societies. They attacked the abandoned H2G2 Insomniac Society. It was a tough 20 minutes, but in the end the MotMV prevailed and managed to take control of another area of unwanted guide space.

SeaBattle (It was the only pun I could think of.)

The MotMV inspired a splinter society. Fish's Freak created the MotMV Pirate ship. The MotMV had set out to capture to high seas.

The Darkest Hour

Following the fall of the TA the MotMVs magnificent leader, SpAcEcAdEt_1st_ClAsS, was forced to abandon h2g2 for a short while. Fearing GodBens megalomania, he left Lady Pennywhistle in charge. The MotMV was using the TAs threads as a sub space of their own society, but a TA rebellion was started in the TA base. As a pacifist, Lady Pennywhistle opposed any suggestion of attacking the TA rebels and ordered the MotMV army to pull out. GodBen was so angered by this move that he staged a mutiny and refused to leave. The MotMV was collapsing due to bitter in-fighting, and realising this, GodBen backed down. The MotMV pulled out of the TA threads and the TA took back their base, promising that they would get their revenge on GodBen in the future.


Following this, Lady Pennywhistle got quite disconcerted with the MotMV and was glad to hand back control to SpAcEcAdEt_1st_ClAsS upon his return. But as it was now entering the summer in the northern hemisphere, h2g2 entered its annual slow period. The MotMV slowed to a crawl and nothing happened for quite some time. The only really remarkable event to occur in this time was when Cat-Eyes became the 42nd member of the MotMV.

The Returns

H2G2 slowed down for quite some time. Normal service didn’t even resume during the usual autumn pick-up. As a result the MotMV, and most other societies on the site weren’t very active. This continued right through winter and things only began to pick up again in the spring. But pick up they did. In the first week of March a minor miracle occurred; Haikeeba, co-founder of the MotMV returned! This was followed a few days later by the return of Nuclear Confusion. For the first time in over a year, all three founding fathers of the MotMV were active. A spirit of activity spread over the MotMV, and this could only mean one thing: War.

The Vogon Venture

War, uh! What is it good for? Capturing territory, of course.

Feeling emboldened by increased activity, the MotMV decided it was time to march and conquer once more. A decision was made to attack the Vogons, a largely inactive society. A rapid invasion was made to no opposition, but only for the MotMV to find out that it was actually a clever holographic simulation. A little peeved about this, the MotMV decided to exact ironic punishment, and blew up the Vogons to make way for a new bypass. Victory achieved, the MotMV went home and had waffles. (They didn’t really have waffles, but I always wanted to say that.)

The Cowering Inferno

Lil ol’ me caused a bad smell in the air vent. A REALLY bad smell! This led to GodBen ordering the evacuation of the building and all the members were forced into the car park. This was fine for SuperMoo as it meant that nobody saw him when he set fire to the noxious fumes and caused the whole building to catch fire. After a day of doing nothing, three intrepid adventurers, GodBen, Cal Fortuneswell, and SuperMoo, entered the building and put out the fire, and put air fresheners into the air vent. And so everything returned to normal.

The March For Jack

Shock, horror, devastation and surprise were the feelings among the MotMV when it was revealed that our great leader, Jack, had leukaemia. So a march was organised by Cal, not to show solidarity, but in the hope that Jacks ailment would get tired and stop following us. The march went through most of the site . . . well, most of the sites pubs. Eventually the march turned into a “Find Jack” game that is running while Jack is treated in hospital.

The Search for Sheep

After reminiscing about good times in the old tearoom, it was decided to send out a search group in the hope of finding Percival, the sheep waiter of the original tearoom who had disappeared. The search took a long time, and covered much of H2G2s parkland. Eventually he was found on a beach, but an incident with an FBI helicopter that was searching for GodBen led to GodBen and Percival getting lost in the woods. Eventually they were rescued by SayHeyJay and returned to the new tearoom.

And there was much malarkey

While a lot of this was going on in various foreign threads, back in the base there was many odd goings on. After the fire there was an accident in Jacks office where a fire hose was left on, causing his room to fill with water. Eventually his floor gave way and Jacks office fell into the tearoom below. After months of putting up with this, Cal led a team into the Terranic Army’s base and stole one of their floors to replace Jacks.

So long, and thanks for all the tea . . .

Meanwhile, in the tearoom, they celebrated the 10,000th post by having Jack make a speech. But soon the posts grew, and it was getting longer to open the page. So it was decided to close the tearoom, in order to replace it with The New New MotMV Tearoom.

The disappearance of GodBen

Our page editor Godben elvised in June 2006, after trying to take on *whisper* The Powers That be, *whisper* single handed due to the closing of the Tearoom. It was a valiant but futile battle on Godben's part and you can read more about it here and we miss him smiley - wah I Cal Fortuneswell never, ever thought I'd see the day when I'd say that.

The Poor Replacement and Front Page Status

One fine and glorious day, (ok I'm lying. It was the middle of winter here in good old Blighty and most of the country was covered in snow), One of the *whisper* Italics *whisper* namely Derek. Informed us that the MotMV had been graced with a front page link!!!!! *Dances* then much bad poetry commenced (mostly from Cal) about the fact that we didn't have a page editor any more so we couldn't add new members to our esteemed hall of fame. (In other words the drop down list) and so the muchly beautiful Antelia *whisper* another italic* told us that she would remedy this situation right away. Jack being the leader and so therefore having the most power (or so he thinks) volunteered Cal for this position due to the fact that Cal was at work at the time so couldn't make up any excuses as to why he couldn't possibly become page editor. And so history was made and the world continued to turn.

The Future . . .

. . . I don't know, I'm not psychic!!

And now, the end is near . . .

I hope this helps you to understand the MotMV a little better. If you have no idea what the MotMV is and are utterly confused by this page, then go to our base here. If you wish to join then you may fill out the following form.

Masters of the Multi-VerseMasters of the Multi-Verse
smiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomato

And remember; for us or against us?! Mwaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

1Warning! This page is full of propeganda and it is dubious that any of it is true.2The fact that the ship had been abandoned for over a year had something to do with it.3Footbacon4Still Footbacon

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