Christopher Loftus and Kevin Speight

1 Conversation

These two men travelled to Istanbul to watch there heroes, Leeds United, play football in the UEFA Cup. On the night of April 5, 2000 less than 24 hours before the kick off, they were knifed down in a skirmish in the streets of Instanbul.

This is a page where you can attach you virtual football scarf1 to the virtual terrace, in sympathy for their family and friends who suddnely lost their lives so suddenly and violently.

Bill Shankley once said 'Football's not a matter of live and death it's more important than that'. Sadly certain events make us all sit up and think NO, Bill you were a great manager but Live is more important than football. For Christopher and Kevin, 'You'll never walk alone'.

Scarves of Remembrance

Demon Drawer Liverpool, Livingston, Kingstonian and Bangor.
Don Alfredo Juventus, Ajax Amsterdam, FC Barcelona
Croz Bolton Wanderers and Oldham Athletic
BluesSlider Sheffield United
Krissy Lee Tottenham Hotspur
Joanna Manchester United
discopantsSunderland AFC
Njan Portsmouth
Gw7en Colorado Rapids
Mrgrunt Southampton
John-the-gardener Notts County
Vestboy Hayes Town and in memory of his Dad Cardiff City
Ormondroyd Bradford City and Leyton Orient
Mike A Bristol Rovers and Plymouth Argyle
Kheldar Manchester United
Zebedee Tottenham Hotspurs
DNO Manchester united
Berilia Chelsea
mr_hazmandoo Liverpool and Hereford
Eeyore Everton and Liverpool
Lux Rothcop Charlton Athletic
Eomando Sunderland
Lost in Germany Shamrock Rovers and Leeds
Dinsdale Piranha Southampton and Manchester United
Keeza NZ's Kingz and Manchester United for son
Towelmaster for 'All sane Football fans'
Shazz Derby County
Lux Rothcop Ajax
diego Celtic, Liverpool, UCD
blur Essex
GreyDesk Bristol Rovers and Milwall

1A time honoured tradition in football when fans of all clubs reach out by attaching scarves to the gates of the affected club

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