The h2g2 Post 05.02.09

3 Conversations

Posted: 5th February 2009



350 Not Out

Is it really that many?

We do seem to celebrate a lot here at The Post, but getting to 350 issues is a very notable achievement. It's amazing to think that a ragamuffin band of writers and editors have managed to put together so many issues over such a long period of time, and it's quite humbling to be the one that has the privilege of putting the thing together every issue. Congratulations to all Post writers and Eds, past and present – as every fortnight, it's a surprise and an honour to be here!

It's another short Editorial this week, you'll be glad to know. There are two columns in particular that need your attention – Entry of the Month and The Stretcher both need you to contribute your votes. I know it gets tiresome to be asked to vote for writing over and over again, but it really does make a difference to all concerned when the results are based on a 'popular' vote rather than just a small band of regulars.

We also have an exciting link-up with the Aviators, which will hopefully run and run. 2legs and Terran have been collaborating on a new radio play for you to enjoy; you can either hear it by clicking on the link in the article below or subscribe to the Beeblecast RSS feed. In the latter case, you'll hear the new episodes shortly before everyone else and also be updated when anything else appears on the site. More Post-Aviators link-ups are imminent, so stay tuned!

I'd also like to mention TonsilRevenge, whose cartoons have kept us amused for so long now. In fact, he has contributed over 180 cartoons for our 350 editions, which is incredible. We do have a shortage of cartoonists – Malabarista and dmitri have taken a well-deserved issue off this time around – so if you do have a knack for them, please do let us know!

Thanks for keeping us busy for so long. The next Post deadline is 15th February; we'll see you then!


















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