h2g2 Citations - 2002

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Book: Contemporary business 2003 (Thomson/South-Western, 2002)
Author(s): Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz
Ref: (p486) The following list reviews a few of the ways businesses are using relationships to reach corporate goals: Partnering with customers - Inspired by the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, in which galactic travellers contribute reviews to an electronic guide, an Internet compant called h2g2 is creating a collaborative guide to the travels of earthlings. Volunteer researchers are building the guide, which provides advice ranging from how to navigate Beijing's subway system to where to get the best curry dishes in Britain.
h2g2 link: A123823 - The World's Best Curry Houses
h2g2 author: Jim Lynn et al
Notes: Entry not explicitly mentioned, but implies A123823.

Book: Digital futures: strategies for the information age (Library Association, 2002)
Author(s): Marilyn Deegan, Simon Tanner
Ref: Adams, D. (1999) Predicting the Future, H2G2 Entry ID: A216433, available at www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A216433
h2g2 link: A216433 - Predicting the Future
h2g2 author: DNA
Notes: Links to Guide folder.

News: Politiken (Denmark), 13 Jan, 2002
Section: Pg. 1
(Language School: As the Ancient Romans always said)
Author(s): Henrik Palle
Ref: Http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A218882 ...Et af de rigtige gode latin-steder er den britiske mediegigant BBCs website. Her er der nemlig i en afkrog en masse udmaerkede, ja ligefrem glimrende,og anvendelige saetninger. (One of the really good Latin places, the British media giant BBC's website. Here in a corner, a lot of excellent, even brilliant, and useful phrases.)
h2g2 link: A218882 - Handy Latin Phrases
h2g2 author: Si et al
Notes: 1. Danish-language publication.
2. Same Entry was mentioned in the issue of Politiken on 22 February, 2002, under the article 'JOKES PAA NETTET' (Jokes on the Web).

Journal: The Solicitors' journal: Volume 146
Ref: ... (visit www.bbc.co.uk/dna/ h2g2/A266249 for the full calculation).
h2g2 link: A266249 - Christmas Jokes
h2g2 author: CountSpracula
Notes: 1. Unedited entry (no edited version)

Book: Contemporary business 2003 (Thomson/South-Western, 2002)
Author(s): Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz
Ref: (p486) The following list reviews a few of the ways businesses are using relationships to reach corporate goals: Partnering with customers - Inspired by the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, in which galactic travellers contribute reviews to an electronic guide, an Internet compant called h2g2 is creating a collaborative guide to the travels of earthlings. Volunteer researchers are building the guide, which provides advice ranging from how to navigate Beijing's subway system to where to get the best curry dishes in Britain.
h2g2 link: A273016 - The Beijing Mass Transit System
h2g2 author: Bell Jar
Notes: Entry not explicitly mentioned, but implies A273016.

Book: Virtual reality in geography, Volume 1 (CRC Press, 2002)
Author(s): David John Unwin, Peter Fisher
Ref: "The development of a fully-functional Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that provides spatially-specific information and navigation across the globe is an exciting prospect" References: The Digital Village Limited. 1999. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Earth Edition. On the Move - The Vision, www.h2g2.com/A281486.
h2g2 link: A281486 - h2g2 On the Move - The Vision
h2g2 author: h2g2Editors
Notes: Unedited entry, leading to a blank page saying "The h2g2 On the Move project has been discontinued."

A sequence of unusual sports including mud wrestling and underwater football
News: Turkish Probe (Ankara), 15 Dec, 2002
Section: Lighter Side
Title: Drinking and canoeing
Ref: Our Internet Tip of the week is a page from the BBC website which is devoted to unusual sports. It's a long URL so note it carefully: www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A403147. This makes reference to many an odd sporting contest and we may return to it in future weeks but for the moment here is its description of canoe jousting: "While this is not a well-known sport, it is a fun thing to do. Apparently. Two canoes race up river to a designated point. Once that point is reached by both canoes, the jousting then begins. The object is to submerse the opponent's canoe by whatever means possible, without the use of tools (i.e. paddles). While poles were used in the initial inception of the sport, they were proven too dangerous to use among friends. There is usually a judge on the river bank to decide when a canoe is submersed. While the judge is not always necessary, there have been some difficult calls. Scheduling of this event is usually difficult unless the participants have been drinking for the better part of the morning or the afternoon. There are no formal leagues as yet, but the popularity of the sport is growing... "
h2g2 link: A403147 - Unusual Sports
h2g2 author: Spirit et al
Notes: URL links to Alabaster version.

News: Times Educational Supplement, 23 Aug, 2002
Section: n/k
Title: Spanning the ages
Author(s): Donna Lawer Jones
Ref: Websites : http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A471476 - Units of measurement and a useful short history of measurements.
h2g2 link: A471476 - Units of Measurement
h2g2 author: Cefpret
Notes: 1. Article link: http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=368099
2. URL links to Alabaster skin.

Incense sticks
News: WE!, Sep 1, 2002
Section: Pg. 7(1)
Title: Indian activists protest court ruling on sati worship
Ref: Women activists in india are protesting a Rajasthan court ruling that allows devotees to pray in temples dedicated to women who have committed sati, the ancient Hindu practice that requires a widow to throw herself onto her husband's burning funeral pyre... Source: ... with additional information from http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/2241437.stm and http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A521524/
h2g2 link: A521524 - Religious Ceremonies that Mark Rites of Passage
h2g2 author: Smiley Ben et al
Notes: URL has a trailing slash – this directs the user to the h2g2 Front Page rather than the Entry itself.

A descendant of a ninja demonstrating ninja fighting techniques.
Book: The Barnes Review [TBR], Volume 8 (TBR, 2002)
Ref: (p70) Website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A575642
h2g2 link: A575642 - Ninja
h2g2 author: Mr Prophet
Notes: Links to the Alabaster skin.

Book: Shogun Japan (Social Studies, 2002)
Author(s): Social Studies School Service
Ref: "These Web sites can help students gain background information on the social hierarchy of Shogun Japan and on the role of the samurai: ... http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A663068 - The shifting of the samurai role during the Edo Period"
h2g2 link: A663068 - Samurai Society
h2g2 author: Mr Prophet

Journal: International Journal of Iberian Studies, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p187, 2002
Article: Seeing double? The remaking of Alejandro's Amenábar's Abre los ojos as Cameron Crowe's Vanilla Sky.
Author(s): White, Anne M..
Ref: Awix, 'Vanilla Twice', http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A691887 "24 Lies a Second"
h2g2 link: A691887 - 24 Lies a Second (Vanilla Twice)
h2g2 author: Awix
Notes: 1. h2g2 post article.
2. Links to the Alabaster skin.

News: The Star-Ledger (Newark, New Jersey), Oct 27, 2002 Sunday
Section: Spotlight; Pg. 9
Title: Books that dripped blood
Ref: For your library and bookmarks, here are texts and Web sites that cover all things Hammer: Books: ... "Do You Want It Good or Tuesday? From Hammer Films to Hollywood," Jimmy Sangster (Midnight Marquee, 1997) Web sites: BBC Hammer compendium (www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A710227)
h2g2 link: A710227 - Hammer - the Birth of a Studio
h2g2 author: Smij
Notes: Jimster's book plugged in same article.

Journal: Catholic University Law Review, volume 52 (2002-03)
Article: Judging in interesting times: the free speech clause jurispudence of justice
Author(s): Byron R White; Bell, Bernard W.
Ref: (p893) Opening quote and footnote 1: See BBCi, h2g2, The Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything, Guide Entry at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A798564 (Last visited Oct. 5, 2003).
h2g2 link: A798564 - "May You Live in Interesting Times"
h2g2 author: Telcontar
Notes: Unedited entry. Edited version is at A807374 - The Quote 'May You Live in Interesting Times'


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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