Abi's Community Column

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Welcome to my second column for the Post. What a week it has been
so far, with half the Editorial team off on their last minute holidays. I
don't know about you, but I am planning to get my Christmas shopping done
this weekend. Think of me battling the crowds on Saturday. Hopefully it
won't end in a trolley rage incident! smiley - winkeye

Well, once again the Community has been a hot bed of activity. I am sure
that you will all join me in saying a big congratulations to Shea and TJ, who announced their engagement this week!smiley - bubbly We wish you both well for the future.

Here are this week's Abi's Activities - why not read on and check them

Long Distance Love Club

Geography is a cruel mistress. You finally meet the love of your life and
they are perfect! They make you laugh, think you are great, spoil you rotten
and yet there is one little problem. They live the other side of country or
maybe even the world. Don't despair, join the Long
Distance Love Club

The Club exists to provide a place for people involved in long distance
relationships to talk about issues that affect them and offer each other
support. Here you can find people who understand the significance of phone
calls, how exciting a weekend can be and the importance of trust. Don't
suffer alone! Join the club.

Rant Shack

Modern life can drive you to distraction. Does your computer take hours
to download the simplest web page? Does the daily commute to work leave you
with dangerously high blood pressure? Do you hate that new single by the
latest boy band sensation? Well fear not, because help is at hand!

Don't take your frustrations out on your nearest and dearest. Head down
to the h2g2 Rant Shack and have a good old moan.
You will soon feel so much better. Now, did I tell you about my journey home
last night? Can you believe, the train in front breaks down! We were stuck
there for over an hour... smiley - steam

The h2g2 Opera Users' Group

Not everyone on h2g2 uses Netscape or Internet Explorer as their web
browser. There is a third way and those who choose to take it are members
of the h2g2 Opera Users' Group. Apparently it
is smaller and faster then its better known rivals.

The Users Group is designed to offer support and information to the Opera
user and there are links to other websites that make use of Opera's panels.
So click the link and go and find out more about using the world's third
most popular web browser.

Advent Quiz

Well done to everyone who has so far won a smiley - gift on the
h2g2 Advent Quiz. If you fancy showing off your
knowledge of the Guide, another window will open tomorrow revealing a new
question. Best of luck!

Da Langwich Skool uv Noo Yawk

I liked Shea's fantastic Langwich Skool uv Noo
so much, I have decided to feature it for a second week. Could
be just the thing for any Researchers popping over to attend the

See you next week.


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