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Started by Patrick, Words from the Heart and the entries related to it are all about putting your poetry in a place it deserves. I don't censore or judge the material, just add it in every time, as the writers add more on the threads. So far, we have the poetry of positivefreak on this page, and Cybercat, Patrick, DIABLOS, GoThic AnGel and Phoniex's on the linked entries. Anyone's welcome to read, enjoy and join!


Practicing smiling

'Everything is beautiful'

I wish I could see

But sitting near friends alone

is a lonely place to be.

If I were to look around

Forever is ahead

But the colours hurt my eyes

And the quiet hurts my head.

I've realised where I'm sitting

I've looked and I can see

Sitting near my friends alone

A lonely place to be.

I'll tell you a story of not long ago,

In a place that the river knows well,

You may not believe what this fool has to say,

But the truth only memories will tell.

On the night that I speak of the air smelled of dreams,

And I tuned my guitar to the breeze,

When I spoke to the river to see if he cared,

He said play it however you please.

I shrugged and kept playing and all through the night,

The river he babbled to me,

I told him my secrets though why I don't know,

He just seemed like such good company.

At midnight I slept with the whispers of river,

Like music to wash me away,

And it felt like he loved me and I loved him too,

But the truth only memories will say.

I am not a cliff or rock that never feels the cold or even a pebble to be thrown around and caught and played with like a toy for you to use only when you choose or hide away when I'm not needed, like a child, like I try to hide because to look into the waters of crystal scares me.

The shards in your eyes are too sharp and I love you too much.

for Tara

In dreams i dreamt of raven hair,

that touched me when you were not there

of eyes that watched and understood

and knew me like i knew i should

a hand that in my hand felt safe

and real

though just a wish i dreamed

and in our arms we held the world

a slepping child - or so it seemed

protected from it's waking cries

and noise and all too quickly moving pace.

I watched the smile that softly like your touch

slowly spread across your face

and from your eyes that always understood

i knew you like i knew i should.

and now i know i never have to cry

we were always angels - you and i

and though we've never seen celestial sky

someone gave us wings and taught us how to fly.

forever's a concept or maybe a dream

that nobodies captured, that nobodies seen

consider a marriage 'till death do us part,

suggesting forever you hold someone's heart,

so ramantic a notion through which couples led,

can forget that the promise is void once you're dead.

And as she played the fabric of her dream,

she cried and sowed to every seam

the tears she'd cried for years.

And the echoes came 'i love you'

like the times they had before

but there's no-one there to watch her as she's sowing anymore.

'Hello sir and welcome to the psychiatric line,

If you've never been here sir, if this is your first time

then listen to this message, we recorded it last week

because we didn't want to hear another bloody freak.

If you think that you're depressed and feel that you're alone,

you're probly right you boring sod put down the bloody phone.

If you think you share your head with two people or more,

then press the number 1 key...and 2 and 3 and 4.

If you think you're paranoid and don't know what to do,

then please press 5 and don't forget they're coming after you.

If you're posessed by satan, then take your crucifix,

and while you stab a virgin, press 6, 6 bloody 6.

If you believe that you're a smurf, if you're convinced of that,

you don't deserve no therapy, sod off you stupid pratt.

Thank you sir for calling our recorded psycho line,

we hope we've been a help for you in such a trying time

and please don't blame your problems on such thins as life or wine,

we know you're bloody mental as we see it all the time.'

I'm not sure of your opinios,

or what you think i am

but the only thing i will be

is the very best i can

You seem to think i'm capable

of ever so much more

But my bodie's getting tired

And my eyes are getting sore

Let me rest now

Let me sleep

Let me close my eyes

It's obvious I'm not the best

I'm just the one that tries

I once was motivated

I used to give a damn

But the only thing i will be now

is the very best i can

i'll tell you a story of not long ago,

In a place that the river knows well,

You may not believe what this fool has to say,

But the truth only memories will tell.

On the night that i speak of the air smelled of dreams,

And I tuned my guitar to the breeze,

When i spoke to the river to see if he cared,

He said play it however you please.

I shrugged and kept playing and all through the night,

The river he babbled to me,

I told him ym secrets though why i don't know,

he just seemed like such good company.

At midnight I slept with the whispers of river,

Like music to wash me away,

And it felt like he loved me and i loved him too,

But the truth only memories will say.

The trees that they watched growing

and the roots that they watched bend

and the stories of the forests

that they all watched being penned.

And now they wait the day

when they will join them in the earth

and take with them their memories

of merriment and mirth

Until that day i thank those

who watched me as i slept

ensuring that the beauty of the forest would be kept

I thank the little watchers as i know that they were there

showing me a hundred tiny little people care

I'm not sure of your opinios,

or what you think i am

but the only thing i will be

is the very best i can

You seem to think i'm capable

of ever so much more

But my bodie's getting tired

And my eyes are getting sore

Let me rest now

Let me sleep

Let me close my eyes

It's obvious I'm not the best

I'm just the one that tries

I once was motivated

I used to give a damn

But the only thing i will be now

is the very best i can


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