The h2g2 Poem

2 Conversations

The Shazzalump

I was walking along the road one day,

when I spied a Shazzalump in a field across the way,

A strange sight I am sure you must agree,

Especially as it began to hop over to me.

It had three legs, in a triangular form,

and a large hairy nose, that looked quite moist and warm.

Its colour was purple, and it wore a large yellow hat,

And on its shoulders it had wings just like a bat.

Its tail was long and ended in a fork,

It had talons on its three feet, reminiscent of a hawk.

Its eye, for there was only one, was very big and round,

And the weight of the thing left three foot shaped holes in the ground.

As it lumbered closer, hoping along,

I could hear it's rather sweet voice raised up in a song.

It was really quite lovely and entranced I became,

Unable to move, even if I had wanted in vain.

The all of a sudden it was upon me, knocking me to the ground,

its huge feet, jumping up and down into the dirt they did pound.

Then it sucked up what was left, a sort of goo mess,

and hopped back into the field to wait for its next victim to digest!!

The End... or is it?

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