h2g2 Post 09.09.04

1 Conversation

Posted: 9th September 2004


Terrible events

It was with increasing horror, sadness and then anger that most of the world watched the aftermath of the seige at Beslan's No 1 school. That such an act could take place in early September, when awareness of terrorism is highlighted by the anniversary of the Twin Towers outrage, is bad enough. The loss of life of so many, 335 confirmed dead, 107 still unidentified and hundreds more still missing may not compare to the 2,792 lost in the USA terror attack of 2001 but the fact that it lasted so long and so many children were involved compounds the grief felt. Those not directly affected by these events, not to mention the devastation of nature with hurricanes and floods claiming many more lives on both sides of the world, can barely conceive the agony. One can only hope that mourning doesn't give way to feelings of revenge and yet more bloodshed. Whatever else you do, hold your loved ones close and try to cherish everything beautiful about this world as it becomes more and more fragile.




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