h2g2 Post 07.10.04

3 Conversations

Posted: 7th October 2004


And it's goodbye from her...

... and goodbye from me. Rather like the bus theory in reverse, when one Post Team member takes a respite from the web so do another one or two! By the time h2g2 returns from its most recent upgrade I shall be winging my way to England. Try not to panic, though, because I shall be back (weather and flights permitting) by next Tuesday. Sadly Greebo will probably be absent for somewhat longer than that and I know that you all wish her the best of luck with her relocation of 'the lair'. Apologies in advance, then, for leaving The Post Office unmanned. You can obviously still post to the articles, at the PO and the email addresses, but replies will take longer than normal.

Talking of absences, the 'regular' section is looking a little bare this week. Awix, HPB and tonsil revenge sent notes from their mothers to be excused this week but I do wonder where all our other wonderful regulars have gone. If you used to write for us and want to start again please let us know. This is exactly what Munchkin did and he returns in splendour this week with a second series of Boozy Oaf. We are also delighted to welcome NotScientific with, believe it or not, science articles.

Right, enough waffling from me - I have packing to do!



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