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Fruit. We're all constantly being told we should eat more of it. But how many different kinds are there? And what are they?

Types of Fruit

Fruit is the part of a plant that contains its seeds.


These are generally considered to be small, round fruits, though most of the fruits we call berries are not actually technically berries. A true berry is a simple fruit from a single ovary that contains seeds and a soft edible pulp.Examples of berries are blackcurrants and raspberries.

Citrus Fruit

Technically a specialized form of berry, citrus fruits are usually fragrant and are covered in a rind that needs removing before the fruit can be eaten. The fruit itself generally comes in segments. Most types of commercially grown citrus fruits are hybrids. Examples of this category are oranges, lemons and limes.

Tree Fruit

Examples are apples and pears.

Vine Fruit

Examples are grapes and melons.

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