Vote Now! Voting Instructions Page

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Voting Instructions

Virtual Prez Race

The Polling Booth is now open for the Virtual Prez race of h2g2.

Please vote now! Excercise your power to elect a candidate that will serve all the creations at h2g2.

What you need to do

  1. Get your h2g2 user number (that's the number that starts with a 'U' on your home space. Write it down or copy it.

  2. Click here: The Celery and Ms Dolores A.Webjello.

  3. A blank email message should pop up with the words "The Celery" in the subject line.

  4. In the body of the message, type your name that you use on h2g2 and your id number.

  5. Hit send

Important note: Be sure that "The Celery" is in the subject line, and that you include BOTH your h2g2 name and number, or your vote will not count.

Also, if you have multiple email accounts, please use one from your ISP and avoid using your free hotmail-type accounts. If the judges see a lot of votes coming from hotmail-type free accounts, they may suspect ballot stuffing.

Information on procedures and privacy.

What you MUST NOT do

  • Do NOT vote more than once. Doing so could invalidate your vote entirely.

  • Do not vote through multiple logons. If you have more than one identity at h2g2, vote only through your primary identity.

If your browser doesn't support email...

Many people work with separate email programs from their browsers and are unable to use the mailto links on web pages. If this is the case with you, go to your email program and follow these simple steps 1:

  1. Address a new email to: [email protected]

  2. In the subject line, type: The Celery

  3. In the body, put your user name and id

  4. Send

A Public Service Message

This has been a public service provided by The Celery-Webjello 2000 Campaign.

The Celery and Dolores A. Webjello are h2g2 creations running for Virtual Prez and Vice Prez of h2g2. Unlike the other candidates, they are here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to serve you. They support the rights of all on h2g2 from researchers to creations.

For more details on The Celery's platform and position statements, please visit the campaign headquarters.

VOTE for The Celery!
Celery/Webjello 2000 LinksVirtual Prez Race Links
1If you prefer to vote for someone else, then type in Marv, Demon Drawer, Peregrin, The Cheese, Don Alfredo, Eomando, Baldrick, Insane Endeavour, The Big C, Login, or Masque.

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