Previous Collaborative Entries

1 Conversation

h2g2's collaborative entries arise from a strong sense of the communal, a 'that happened to me, too' vibe, and the urge to engage in a little bit of pub philosophy. They're a great way to make your mark at h2g2, whether you're new to the site or an old timer. Among these varied and glorious works are the calls for entries.

Collaborative entries are an opportunity for the in-house editors to get into the h2g2 groove. Once a week, we get our thinking caps on, pencils at the ready, and then someone pipes up with 'Oooo, we should have an entry on that!'. And then we do.

New topics appear every Wednesday, usually at the end of the day, in the 'Contributing' section on the front page. To take part, follow the link from the front page, click on the 'Discuss' button, and have your say. When we use your contribution, we'll put you in the coveted 'Researcher' spot when we get around to compiling everyone's thoughts. A link to the entry will also appear on your Personal Space for all the world to see.

Of course, collaborative entries aren't the only collaborative efforts on h2g2. Many Researchers start their own, and with a great dose of public-spiritedness, the Community offers up its collective intelligence in response. If you're feeling inspired to begin a joint effort, you can either recruit fellow Researchers by mentioning your pet project in the forums below or advertise it in The World of h2g2. Alternatively, if you've got a fabulous idea for a co-operative entry, but don't have the time to attend to it, tell us and we might flag it on the front page. You never know.

Below is a list of previous weeks' collaborative entries, to give you an idea of the kind of thing we're after. To those who've already had a go, thanks for all your contributions. They're brilliant and so are you.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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