The h2g2 Post 25.09.08

2 Conversations

Posted: 25th September 2008



New Beginnings

I had a really nice editorial planned for you this week, you know. I've been out on the moors and coast path with a great bunch of children over the last couple of days, and today felt as if summer had properly ended. I also have a whole bunch of things to look forward to over the winter and next spring, and I was going to tell you about all this before continuing in a related vein about this issue.

Then I thought how much my Editorials must sound like being in church sometimes. I avoid going more often than necessary, but I happened to be in one a few weeks ago when the vicar started talking about the Olympics. You just know that God is going to be, in some small way, like an Olympic gold medallist, or we are like children waiting for our GCSE results, or Jesus was a bit like Kevin Keegan.

And I suppose that, in some small way, my Editorials are a bit like sermons. So I'll stop there, eh?

I'm sad to report that we're saying goodbye to three Regular columns this week. Smudger has written his last Snippet after five years and almost 150 issues. I'm really going to miss his columns, and the archives are a constant delight— do have a browse and see what you've been missing out on if you're not a fan already. On the plus side, he does hint that he might be persuaded back, so perhaps if we all tell him how great he is he may yet carry on. Has to be worth a try, eh? If not; Smudger, thank you very much for everything. You've been a wonderful contributor over the years, and all the team wish you all the best in the future.

We're also saying goodbye to Babe Among the Stars in this issue, which I'll be astronomically lost without, and Mu Beta has decided to step down from writing Entry of the Month, a project I know he has put a hell of a lot of work into. These are both columns I've thoroughly enjoyed and will miss immensely, although we are hoping we'll find someone to take over the reins at EotM. Thank you both for all your hard work.

There's good news as well, though. Malabarista and dimitrigheorgheni have been working on a special new webcomic for us, Anarchy Gordon, which we teased you with last week. The first part appears below. Our new proactive approach to finding columnists is paying dividends, it seems—as well as this, we have some wonderful pieces from the AWW for you, and Bel has dug up a cracker from one of SWL's journals to boot. We do seem to be moving forward, and I'd like to thank everyone involved for their work, help, and permission to use their work.

Thanks to you all for your hard work on this issue. The deadline for the next one is midnight on 5th October; get your contributions in, and I hope you all enjoy this issue!









  • Anarchy Gordon

  • It's here! Part One of our brilliant new webcomic
    by Malabarista and dmitrigheorgheni









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