Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band

26 Conversations

smiley - musicalnoteWe're Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band! We hope you will enjoy the show.smiley - musicalnote

This fanclub is dedicated entirely to anything and everything to do with the Fab Four.

A starry electric guitar

The Beatles have to be the most famous band of all time. Their first single in 1963 was "Love Me Do" and they captivated the music scene until their split in 1970. Of the four-man line up, there are only two surviving members. John Lennon was shot dead by a fan on 8th December 1980, and George Harrison died of cancer on 30th November 2001. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr are still with us.


If you want to become a member, just pop along to this thread and leave a message.

We have a new addition - The Band Room - for members to have a chat, or a smiley - tea, and generally chill out and talk about the Beatles.

Paul McCartney (with a leather suit on his right side and dark suit on the left) and John Lennon (wearing a creme suit on his right side and half a Sergeant Pepper costume on the left).

Our members so far:

General Tamaire the Walrus - Join the Beatles' Fanclub at A4199556 - our fantastic PR person!!

Researcher PSG [Minister of Impossibility and Improbability]
Boxing Baboon
Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos
lil ...ACE
42donpanic: LIVR (Learned, Impartial, and Very Relaxed)
Knowledge is power!
Owlatron Tigers AS innuendo
Br. Megachedda
MLPDarth, Sith Lord
Not panicing yet

The Fanclub Badge

Here's the badge. If you'd like it for your space, go to this thread.

We're Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band!
The H2G2 Beatles Fan Club

Some Beatles Links

These are some of the many websites dedicated to the Fab Four. Check them out.

A guitar with John Lennon's face on it - here you can have a look at some of their albums and their first trip to the USA.

This site has lyrics, the stories behind songs and a whole heap of other interesting stuff about The Beatles.

Rare Beatles memorabilia can be found here.

The Bootleg Beatles - a fantastic tribute band!

The Beatles - one of our very own Guide Entries!

The Beatles and the Birth of the Music Video

Paul McCartney Death Clues - is Paul really dead? You decide.

A George Harrison Tribute

George Harrison

John Lennon

The album that inspired opur name - the Pepper album.

The Lennon-McCartney Songwriting Partnership

We all live in a Yellow Submarine.

Dif Yoko Ono really split up the Beatles?

Roll up, roll up for a Magical Mystery Tour, step right this way.

Paul McCartney's song Band On The Run.

The word 'Yes' in big '70's style type.

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