h2g2 Post 24.11.05

3 Conversations

Posted: 24th November 2005


Happy Thanksgiving!

If you're American, you probably know that today (Thursday) is the Thanksgiving holiday. For some reason, I thought we had a turkey smiley, but I can't find it, so imagine. Though legend has it that Thanksgiving was started by the Mayflower pilgrims, I think it was Abraham Lincoln who declared it a federal holiday. We traditionally have large turkey dinners with our family and friends and then brave enormous crowds on the weekend while going shopping (stores often hold large sales on the Thanksgiving weekend). It's a nice time to celebrate the good things in life. So what am I thankful for? Well, my family and friends and all that, and of course h2g2! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Moving ahead a bit, in two weeks we'll be celebrating The Post's sixth birthday. In honour of the occasion, we have a new graphic competition for you — so if you're an artist, check below for more information.

Submissions for the next issue (8th December) are due into the Post Box by midnight GMT on Sunday, 4th December. Enjoy this week's edition of The Post!














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