The h2g2 Post 29.03.10

1 Conversation

Posted: 29th March 2010



Tax Returns

I wasn't in the best of moods on Sunday anyway, as due to the daylight saving time scheme they stole an hour from us during the night. When my husband decided to sort the paperwork, it didn't improve my mood at all. Him sorting the papers always means he makes me search for things. And then there is the tax return to do. My husband point blank refuses to download and fill in the forms. He leaves it to me. But then he has to play his ever-so-important MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), you understand, so there is no time to deal with finances. What does he have unpaid personnel for? It doesn't matter that the download rate on my current PC is at an average of 20 to 30 kb/s. In my husband's opinion, I spend the whole day doing nothing anyway. So I spent hours downloading the software, and then I despaired trying to fill in the forms. In the end, I gave up.

The only positive thing was, that during my initial search for the necessary documents I found my Miles and More card, which I had searched for in vain when I booked my flights for the London meet. Yes, the London meet is less than seven weeks away. And we'll have Italic presence. The h2g2 eds will be there – at least one of them, or both if we're lucky. There are various other meets in the making, so head over to the Announcements page to find out. There are lots of other interesting articles to read and rejoice, so have fun with this issue of the Post.
































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