Lady Scott's Adoption Center

14 Conversations

Ever feel like you need a mother on here? Someone to hug you and say "there, there, it'll be ok, here's a hankie, now wipe your eyes and blow your nose"? How about some really cool brothers and sisters? Yeah? Well, then join the family!

Two characters consoling a friend

Even if you don't want to be adopted as such, feel free to move into the neighborhood. Pick a house, or build your own.

Be sure to describe your room in the adoption center (or your house in the neighborhood) to us, and don't forget to let me know exactly what you want to be known as here.

One other thing... since we've now expanded from just an adoption center to a whole neighborhood, it looks like we really should name the neighborhood itself. If you think of a name that you believe expresses the surreal nature of the place, feel free to suggest it below.


I came to hootoo with 2 Real Life daughters,

Amy †and
Shorty †.

Two small children in Victorian work clothes

But look at how the family has grown!

It all started when Amy Pawloski (who is made of paper, but has been known to write occasionally for smiley - thepost) asked me to be her adopted mom. Amy's husband is Tom, which would make him my son in law. Amy's wolf Flamedancer is now the family pet.

Then Elly, a lovely young lady from Israel asked to be adopted and started the adoption center on my page. She recently married

Mike, an all around helpful guy and great to have as a son in law!
Happy Dude (if you haven't heard of our smiley - jester, where have you been?!) soon joined the famiy,
followed by Eris, a young lady from the UK.
Patrick (who should come see his mother more often, although he's doing better than he had been smiley - smiley) then stopped by to join the family.
Sir The Theory has a great mom in Real Life, but he's such a great kid that he can be my virtual son any day!smiley - biggrin c , is yet another big brother in the family, and
Sergeantsmiley - blackcat Mushroom is the sister/cat in the family! smiley - boing The family keeps on growing and growing as
2legs just stopped by to be adopted, and we can also add St Diablos to the list of brothers. Darth Zaphod has become a new daughter, and she has brought along Chauncey, who is our petsmiley - dragon.

Dr Anthea is brand new to the family - and best of all, she's everyone's favorite little sister!

Pandora has volunteered to be the smiley - blacksheep of the family. smiley - erm For some reason she thinks we really need one...

Plastic Squirrelisn't exactly a son, but he lives in our attic and is our resident Fonzie.smiley - ok


I have an evil twin, better known as
Avenging Washcloth, who is not nearly as evil as she'd like us to believe. In fact she's a very smiley - cool pink washcloth!

Shea the Sarcasticsmiley - diva, has joined us as the not-a-maiden-aunt any more.smiley - biggrin She claims she's the weird friend aunt, but that's only because she doesn't want to acknowlege me as her sister.smiley - laugh She and TJ just got married in July, so that makes him part of the family too.

Elwood says he is the odd old uncle who shows up unannounced and stays in the guest room too long, eating all the food in the house (or so he says.... he just doesn't know where we hide the best foodsmiley - winkeye).
Owltron just showed up one day and announced that we needed an Uncle Owltron, so here he is...smiley - ermIneffable says he is my great uncle even though he's only about half my age, but such is our twisted family tree. smiley - erm Besides, he calls me Mom, anyway! smiley - laugh


I still don't quite understand how we're related, but after much discussion we've decided that Swooshy Mooshy
is either a step cousin, or a second cousin twice removed smiley - cdouble..... Oh, let's just say this is Happy's favorite cousin!
Cal Fortuneswell is the third Alien smiley - aliensmile cousin 30,0000 times removed, but I think I'll just call him "smiley - ufo Cal".
Cal's sister Dax followed him to our neighborhood too. smiley - biggrin


Clive is the scruffy urchin/ lovable rogue next door.
Crazy Man has moved in two doors down, and
Sir Evil Roy just moved into the lovely old gothic mansion down the street - it's a real fixer-upper, but I'm quite sure that in spite of his *worst* intentions, it will be transformed into a beautiful showplace when he's done with it!
Gosho is that scary bloke who lives in the old house down the street at number 42.

turvy has decided to move into the neighborhood, but we're still waiting for her to build her dream home, as she has plans to build an extremely enviro-conscious house on a brown field site.

Tippsy is moving into the house across the street, and I think it's about time someone moved in there, don't you?

Evil Onethe young man who lives next door (other side than Clive), in a 2 story, 1960's style house with minibars, egg chairs and a pool! He always changes the subject when asked what he does for a living, but walks past the house early each morning in a particually smart suit with a violin case tucked under one arm.smiley - yikes


If this sounds like something you'd enjoy, you can join us at Lady Scott's Adoption Center

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