12 Conversations

Computers with eyes on

To get into the barracks you must first get through a double swipe card security coded door. On the other side of the door is an armed guard carrying the standard P90 rifle and wearing combat wear.
The first thing that strikes you about him is the lack of smile and any promise of there ever being one!

The second thing to hit you is the giant computer screen on the far wall, it is about 14 foot high and 18 foot wide. It appears to be mapping out a star chart of some kind. You turn to the guard and ask what that is? He replies it is priviliged information he has not been priviliged to recieve. This may explain the long face.

In front of the giant screen are various consols illuminated with various flashing lights.

Through an open door to your left you see a room lined with bunks. these guys obviously don't like to leave their work for any lengthy period of time.

Along both sides of the room you are in, which is 50 foot long and 30 foot wide, are many different sized computers and consols. Situated down the middle of the room and taking up most of the space is a conference table. At each seating place there is a computer screen and keyboard jutting from the table.

You know the CO of this outfit is Colonel Creachysmiley - . That is about all you know.

You know every member of this outfit is a mystery to the military. Maybe some things are best left that way judging by the imposing atmosphere you appear to be in.

Welcome to SG4 Barracks: INTELLIGENCE smiley -

if you want to join the intellegence part of SGC sign in here

Stargate Command

SG-2 Research and Development

SG-4 Staff

General Creachy (the lord and master. obey and live)

Colonel Reefgirl (be afraid, be very afraid!)

Lieutenant Zapho (quick thinking ass saver and interrogator)

Private Rachael Fenton (human and you better believe it)

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