Dutch h2g2 Meet!!!

18 Conversations

Up for the next one?

Well...it looks like the first news about the next Dutch meet is making it's way to the net. After a bit of negotiating and checking schedules...we are thinking about the end of October. The dates are not set as yet, but the weekend of 26-28 seems most likely for now.

The meet will almost certainly include a visit to 'Het Kasteel' and probably a night out in Amsterdam as well. As for the rest of the plans...as soon as we have any more info, we'll let you know.

Until then, here's the story about last year, including the complete uncensored set of pics.


Update 19-10-01

The date is set to be 26-28 of October, as I've said above. We think that's the best date to do this, according to a lot of people's agenda's. We have got a more or less definitive program now.

  • Thursday evening: Ten-Forward cafe in Het Kasteel
  • Friday morning/afternoon: Relaxing in Alphen, while everybody comes in during the day
  • Friday evening: Wipneus en Pim in Het Kasteel
  • Saturday morning/afternoon: Out in Amsterdam, not sure where we'll be going then though.
  • Saturday evening: Echo party in Het Kasteel

So, who's going to the party?


Definitely Maybe


So, what does Alphen look like?

806802 Het Bospark, a place of relaxing in the center of Alphen

806805 The entrance to the shopping centre

806806 The Main Street of the centre of Alphen

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