The CAC Continuum

1 Conversation

The Frets of Fire Issue

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Fiction smiley - cheersWeird Science smiley - drunk First/Personals smiley - hangoverKitchen Syncronicitiessmiley - emptySatire

Get ready to RAWK, the Frets of Fire Issue is here! In this issue we deal with all things that rock1 and roll. So dust off your guitar/bass/drums/keyboard/electric violin2 and let's rock the night away!!

To start - a short personal view on heavy metal:

A10960986 by U148888

smiley - steam

Some songs are pure evil... dare you read on?

A10961093 by U3508889

smiley - skull

A guide to a great album, by a great band:

A10961255 by U96026

smiley - musicalnote

Another brilliant band that are still performing today - We are not worthy, we are not worthy...

A10961390 by U135579

smiley - grovel

"UFO" unidentified flying objects, or just an amazing band that ROCK!

A10998796 by U168958

smiley - ufo

We continue the series 'Marvin turns to the Dark Side' written by U2280458. We hope you enjoy these new issues as much as we did.

A10999326 by U2280458

smiley - tardis

A10999470 by U2280458

smiley - rocket

A11060470 by U2280458

smiley - star

Remember, if you like what you see, leave a message with the relevant Researcher.
You can always suggest writing for the CAC Continuum either by contacting
The Post, by getting in touch or by visiting us at our own place.

This issue of the CAC Continuum was taught how to play an instrument, signed by a record label and then got arrested for chucking a TV out of a hotel window by
Tom and MJ
as part of the Committee for Alien Content's continuing search for truth and a wider audience.

Speak for yourself!

The CAC Continuum Archive

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the h2g2 UnderGuide

04.05.06 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1Not your nan in her chairsmiley - senior.2Yes, some bands have electric violins!

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