Scottish xMas Extravaganza Glasgow 2001

7 Conversations

S.M.E.G. 2001 (aka Wooly Jumper smiley - sheep)

It's that time of year again! Xmas Party Time!
smiley - sheepsmiley - hollysmiley - xmaspudsmiley - xmastreesmiley - sheep

Since the Official Xmas London Meet isn't until 26th January 2002 (far too far awaysmiley - winkeye)
we decided to hold a Xmas meet at the end of November. Saturday 24th November to be precise.

Location was Glasgow, and as always it was open to all Researchers!

Find out more of our antics at: Aftermath

This is roughly what we did:
Ok suggested itinerary for the day is this:
Meet up in The Old Printworks, 36 Nth Frederick St., on the north side of George Square , from 1pm onwards. Down a few
smiley - alesmiley - stiffdrink, whatever. Then those who are going, head to LazerQuest2000 on south side of Argyll Street, opposite Marks and Spencer, for 3.15pm.Note This is booked, details on the 'Further info. page. First game at 3.30pm. This will take up until 4.50pm, after which some people will be heading off to freshen up, others may just head back to the pub. Those not LQing will probably either be in the pub or may want to see about snooker/pool (also at LQ). All meet back at Old Printworks for about 6pm. Then food (be it pub grub at OP or something else). Regardless of what happens, there will be someone at the OP to greet any straglers from 7pm, after which we retire to wherever everyone else is to get some serious drinking done until we get thrown out.
Don't forget your smiley - sheep!!!!

If anyone can come up with a bettter plan, let us know in the 'Sprouts' thread, please.


I've moved all the information on LaserQuest, Pubs, Accommodation and Transport to this page: Further Information

Please leave your name in the I'll be there with Sleigh Bells on
forum below, letting me know if you will/possibly/can't attend. This is purely the 'Sign Up' forum, so that we get an accurate idea of who can and cannot go.

Chatting etc. can be accomplished here in the Oh no! Not sprouts again!
forum below

Accommodation wants, desires, requests and suggestions can be found here
Post Queens Speach Zzzzz on the sofa. forum below

Hope to see you there!smiley - cheersOh yes and since this is 'The Wooly Jumper smiley - sheep'
You need to bring some form of sheep with you, be it soft toy, badge, blow up, whatever smiley - tickle
your ovine fancy. It's all just a bit of a smiley - laugh, but there may be prizes awarded.
smiley - winkeye

For those of you travelling up from Manchester, there is a Mini-Meet planned for the evening of

Friday 23rd. Details can be found here: Manchester Mini Meet

There is also a Mini-Meet planned for Friday in G;lasgow, for those who are already there. Details/discussions in the Mini-meet Glasgow thread

PS If you haven't already, why not join the Scottish Researchers Group here:SRG

As single point of contact for the day, should anyone fail to meet up with us at the appointed places, I am willing to give out my mobile number. If you would like this then please email me here:Mail me

smiley - reindeerThose who have Sleigh Bells and will be there:

smiley - santaThose still looking for Sleigh Bells:

  • U31911 pending transportation.

smiley - snowmanThose who have no Bells at all:

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