Abi's Community Column

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It is good to be back from my week away; the highlight for me was a
brilliant day spent at the Cheltenham Festival. The bookmakers had a good
day as well, as I kept changing my mind about which horses I was going to
back, only to watch my original choice romp home! Listen to the voice of
experience; if you want a certain return on your money, put it in a

The Community has been very busy in my absence, so this was a difficult
column to write. There isn't space for half of what I wanted to include, but
here are some of things that caught my eye.

Ask h2g2

Ask h2g2 is a mine of information on current
events and obscure facts. Here are some of the topics that have been keeping
the Community talking this week:

  • Is a starving freeman better off
    than a well-fed slave
    ? Are we free anyway or are we all slaves to
    some extent? This is an interesting debate on work and how neccessary it is
    to do a job we enjoy.

  • Has something stomach-wrenchingly embarrassing happened to you
    lately? Don't sit in a corner and torture yourself over it! Confession is
    good for the soul, so why not tell the
    Community all about it
    ? You can read about the misfortunes of others;
    there is nothing like a bit of Schadenfreude!

  • Just how dangerous is Measles? Older Researchers might remember being
    sent to play with children who had childhood diseases like this, but recent
    press coverage has highlighted the dangers of this disease. What do you think?

  • This week the BBC launched a new national radio station 6 Music. Have you heard it? What do you think of it? This is your
    chance to let the Community know what you think.

  • Easter is just around the corner, bringing with it religious
    reflection for some and lots of chocolate for others. How do you celebrate

Edited Entries

This week's pick of the Edited Entries has a musical theme to it, with
some comedy and food to add a little variety. I have to admit being very
biaised in my choice but it's my column after all.

  • It has been said by more then one person that if they make a film of
    my life1 then I would be
    played by Victoria Wood. I am deeply flattered
    and it is great to see that the Edited Guide has an entry on one of
    Britain's best comediennes. From Acorn Antiques to Dinner Ladies, Ms Wood
    is one of the brightest stars in our comedy firmament.

  • Mark Moxon first introduced me to the Penguin Cafe Orchestra, but despite playing me this
    ethereal music, he never told me anything about the band itself. Fortunately
    I can now turn to h2g2 and a little entry on this most unusual of

  • It is good to see that we now have an entry on the legendary Buddy Holly. I like to consider myself a fan, but I
    didn't know that his surname came from a spelling mistake on his first
    record contract! This is a great entry with some surprising Buddy facts. Why
    not get to know one of Rock 'n' Roll's founding fathers?

  • I came to Jazz recently through the music of Miles Davis and Charlie Parker. Like many jazz greats, Parker's life
    was a string of failed relationships, substance abuse and depression.
    However, his music was revolutionary and if you have not discovered it yet,
    then I implore you to read this article about a truly great

  • Rice. It is the perfect comfort food and in our house we are so
    addicted to it, we buy it in 15kg packs! This recipe for Gooey Rice caught my eye immediately. Risotto is
    lovely but it is so fiddly to cook, so it is great to be able to throw
    everything in the microwave and let modern technology deal with the rest.

Community Choice

  • The Easter Bunny has joined h2g2, and is
    preparing to launch a great Easter Egg Hunt for
    the Easter weekend. The idea is to follow the clues to various places on
    h2g2 and solve the puzzles. If this sounds like your sort of thing, why not
    hop over and join in the fun?

  • What star sign are you? I am a typical Aquarius according to my
    friends. h2g2 was launched on 28 April, 1999 and is a Taurus. Aljiis is
    trying to find out the Community's star signs so why don't you visit the
    Birth Signs page and let him know.

  • If you have any suggestions for items to be included in this column or to
    be featured in Abi's Activities, do let me know.


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    1How likely is that to happen?

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    h2g2 is created by h2g2's users, who are members of the public. The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not those of the Not Panicking Ltd. Unlike Edited Entries, Entries have not been checked by an Editor. If you consider any Entry to be in breach of the site's House Rules, please register a complaint. For any other comments, please visit the Feedback page.

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