The h2g2 Post 28.04.14

2 Conversations

A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 28th April 2014

Sunny Days Ahead…

A lady with a parasol.The flowers that bloom in the spring, tra la, bring promise of merry sunshine… WS Gilbert, from your mouth to God's ear. As Your Editor sits here writing this, it is thundering like mad outside. Your Editor is happy, because this means that the pollen will be washing from the North Carolina air. A Rebel yell is in order. Pardon me while I indulge in some regional atavism. There, that's better.

The rest of you are probably looking forward to some sunshine, especially in fabled Manchester. We hope you get it. We hope, also, that you will be out with your mobiles and digital cameras, photographing the flowers. For yes, h2g2ers, that is Create's May Challenge. Flowers and plants. Send us your pics of blooms, blossoms, weeds, disgusting flora of all kinds, the plastic roses in your Aunt Mathilda's vase, the Prof's astroturf front yard, etc.

Or write about it: history, personal experience, flower language, pharmaceutical breakthroughs, whatever you can find. We really look forward to your copy. Like spring itself, we expect you to burst forth with new intellectual growth to stimulate our thinking and amaze us. We promise that Willem will be back with some interesting plants next month, as well.

For now, we have an intriguing second chapter to the Narlesha saga, in which our heroine has to mess with some dung. We don't think we can call it fertiliser. Speaking of detritus, Awix has reviewed three movies, at least one of which should tickle your fancy. And while we're on the subject of manure, Benjaminpmoore has a few choice words about the Mail. He's downright inspirational.

Galaxy Babe is here to let us know what we can see in the night skies, once the clouds part. As part they must, sooner or later. Smudger puzzles out a conundrum, and we quiz you one more time on the weather. We'll stop now, promise.

We also promise not to show you any more Pre-Raphaelite pictures after this week. At least, not for awhile. As you might have suspected, next week will mark a new, exciting cartoon series of a historical nature. More, we will not say.We have to preserve some suspense around here.

So, you've got your assignments: read, comment, get inspired, and go out and be nice to plants. In the meantime, pardonnez-moi, while I go and practise doing Rebel yells at the thunder. Enjoy your week, and keep your powder dry.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

  • Elasmotherium by Willem
  • .

  • Narlesha gathering dung.



  • The Men In Green.
  • Shoe fitting AD 33.


  • Tornado over Kansas.
  • Weather.
  • .


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