The CAC Continuum

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The Dusty 'ol Dr Jones Issue

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Fiction smiley - cheersWeird Science smiley - drunk First/Personals smiley - hangoverKitchen Syncronicitiessmiley - emptySatire

This Issue of the CAC deals with all things ancient. No not your Great-Aunt Mavis, but things like Pyramids and Mummies and stuff that's old. You know? No? Read on...

According to a well-known group of explorers, Socrates was permanently pissed. Can understand why if you read...

A9681474 by U929375

smiley - goodluck

Big things in the desert. No, not giant camels. Pyramids! But why are they pyramids and not triangles, or parallellograms? Here's why...

A9681546 by U227087

smiley - footprints

Ancient Egypt has captured the imagination of many. Why? Good question, maybe this can answer it...

A9681898 by U2806591

smiley - injured

Straw, sticks, mud. You can build a house outta those if you like. But bricks and mortar are best. And so are stones...

A9681951 by U1434608

smiley - zen

Big stones in the middle of a field. Stonehenge. So,

A9681997 by U186749

smiley - huh

The Aztecs were a mighty civilisation. So it's appropriate that there's a band named after them eh?

A9682068 by U40285

smiley - brokenheart

Remember if you like what you see, leave a message with the relevant Researcher.
You can always suggest writing for the CAC Continuum either by contacting
The Post, by getting in touch or by visiting us at our own place.

This issue of the CAC Continuum was unearthed and dusted off by Tom Offical CACer and MJ

as part of the Committee for Alien Content's Continuing search for truth and a wider audience.

Speak for yourself!

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