h2g2 Post 12.08.04

2 Conversations

Posted: 12th August 2004

Watching the skies

This editorial is unusually short. The heat in my computer room is stifling. We are into day 7 of an offical heatwave and, despite Amsterdam experiencing a veritable downpour and flooding, Alphen has only had about 10 minutes of a very gentle shower. The downside is that night time temperatures make it almost impossible to sleep. The upside is that the clear blue skies of the day have given way to excellent star-filled nights. This, of course, means that I should be able to see the wonderful Perseids in all their glory and I am about to head outdoors to lie on our patio for an hour or so. The day this issue goes live is the glorious 12th. I prefer to ignore the fact that this refers to the start of the grouse-shooting season and equate it, instead, to the greatest annual meteor display of the year. So, if you are in the northern hemisphere and blessed with unclouded skies why not check them out for yourself?

Of course, if star-gazing isn't your scene, then The Post offers some excellent stars of its own - so onwards and upwards!



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