h2g2 Birthday Party

34 Conversations

28 April was h2g2's first birthday. There was a cracking virtual party and now we are preparing for the real-time meet up on 13 May.

The real-time meet up:

A huge thank you to everyone who made Saturday such a success! The Editorial Team had a great time and we hope you did too!

Well it certainly was a party to remember! It began with meeting up at one of the bandstands in Hyde Park. Abi exercised her memory by introducing researchers to one another, with only one noticeable error; calling Ann Karen for the first twenty minutes. And then to the soft ball pitch where, lubricated by the beer provided by Peta and Mark, the battle lines were drawn. For Abi, the role of Umpire had one particular highlight; hearing Mark cry "I can't be out, I'm your boss!". Congratulations to everyone who took part. To check out the full score card click here

Other highlights of the day included a bubble machine, kindly provided by Peta that kept more then one researcher out of trouble. Ændr, The Mad Hatter bought some fantastic cakes which disappeared very quickly indeed! Full credit to Sam who turned up despite being very ill and was accused of being stoned by one researcher!

However, the weather could only last for so long! Pretty soon dry and happy researchers were looking like they had just emerged from the swimming stage of a triathlon. Anna was see to visibly blanche as Pseudemys , with whom she was sheltering under a tree, told her confidently that he had been hit by lightning three times!

The "He's so laid back that we are checking for a pulse" Award 2000 goes to Matt, the Deputy Bar Manager at the Mitre at Lancaster Gate. This venerable publican did not bat an eyelid when 43 drowned rats entered his pub and dripped all over his customers!

With vouches for Pan Galactic Gargleblasters (or equivalent) in hand, the assembled masses rushed to the bar, while Jim Lynn signed autographs in the corner.

Despite Abi's frantic warnings, Zebedee still managed to hustle several people round the pool table. Peta and MarkMark proved to be an eclectic combo as did Towelmaster and Kheldar. Soon, however, the evening drifted off into a drunken haze...

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